March 31, 2007

Nash kicks one in for 3. didn't have the embed link, so you have to go watch the video HERE.  It's about 30 seconds and shows The Nash-master at practice, kicking a basketball in from behind the 3-point line.  Sometimes I wonder if we Canadians could've had our own Bo Jackson of sorts...maybe there's still time.

March 30, 2007

Nike Commerical and Mix tape

Here are two good video clips (ONE, TWO) of Kid Canada aka Lil' Stevey doing what he does best.
What sickening skills...

March 29, 2007

Steve Nash's Video Blog - Pure Genius

If you're looking for a funny Steve Nash-impersonating video blog...look no further!  The classic video blog from YouTube user, antonlash is here for you to check out!

May 31, 2006
June 4, 2006
June 20, 2006
January 28, 2007

The force is strong with this one.

What a Humanitarian!

Check out Steve supporting this worthy cause:

Good work Steve. That picture saved a lot of poor people. I can’t think of anyway else you could help poor kids….oh wait, I got an idea. It's kinda crazy, so bear with me here - GIVE THEM YOUR 500 MILLION DOLLARS!

“A child dies every three seconds as a result of extreme poverty,” they say. In my head Steve Nash dies every three seconds.


Coach Brown

Not only that...he's also a terrible actor.

They shouldn't have told Nash that Ali G was actually an actor....because it made the commercial pretty weak and probably blew Nash's chances at ever getting a sweet TV spot like that again.

Nice hair...

Sent from above

"Besides P.E., geography was my best class in high school. I was in this gifted class when I was younger, and it was wicked!" --Steve Nash
Only the truly gifted can achieve such things. For Him, "It's just practice."

Nash takes one for the team...and whines like a girl.

Nash runs into Karl Malone's elbow, cuts his lip and DEMANDS Malone get ejected for a flagrant foul! Malone has got in trouble for that before...but still. Have fun watching the rest of the game from the locker room Steve. That's our tough guy for ya!

The friggin announcer seems to know how much it hurts, "That's not just anybody's elbow, that's Karl Malone's elbow."

Check out this hate site about Malone's menacing behaviour too. This guy is obsessed about Malone the way we here at SteveNashWorld are obsessed about yours truly...but in a bad way.

"As with his many other vicious assaults, Malone didn't seem to care that he had badly injured someone. He shrugged off the incident, saying "I turn like this all the time," referring to his style of grabbing a rebound and then aiming an elbow at someone defenseless nearby."
Malone Plays Dentist

Look what the cat dragged in!

Here's a couple shots of Nash and Nowitzki livin' it up like they know finding a frat party with all the cosmos you can drink! Some guy found these fools in Texas and he's still laughing his ass off! These are even better than that Eli Manning shot.

This is the portal that Steve Nash enters our universe through.

The new Nash site.
Have a change of pants nearby.