April 2, 2007

And now for something completely different!

Alright here people. Let's get a few things straight.

Steve Nash was conceived on the eve of New Samhain. Satan had fought his way into heaven through the Pearly Gates, past John Travolta, over the river and through the woods all the way to the God's house. I hate to say it, but he had his filthy, forceful way with God. She deserved it...putting out the nice linen and everything. Nine painful, bitchy months later. Steve Nash was born in a manger in Johannesberg, South Africa, February 7th, 1974. What a day to be born on! Was this just coincedence? Or had the planets aligned that very evening and called out to the universe for the greatest of souls to be placed in this newly-created human form. It was this very same day that Grenada gained their independance from the United Kingdom! The same day, back in '71, that women were given the right to vote in Switzerland! The same day that Julius the 3rd became Pope in 1550! The VERY SAME DAY that the Nagano Winter Olympics began in Japan in 1998...

He even has the same birthday as some of the great minds this world has ever seen, like Charles Dickens, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Ashton Kutcher!

So how did someone so divine, so powerful, so absolute get sent to grow up in Canada before he was even two years old just because his poor-ass parents didn't want to raise their family in an environment of apartheid? I mean, this is the spawn of Satan and you saw how hot the mom is...MILF! So, why isn't Nash a kick ass, slam-dunking, point-scoring, better-looking basketball player? Well, I think I know the answer........

So there you have it.
Now we have something to build on; a past that we can link this fabulous NBA great to.

And now for something completely different....

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