- Take a picture of Steve Nash.
- Muck it up.
- Add in the words "SteveNashWorld.com" somewhere.
- Email to SteveNashWorld@gmail.com
- Best submissions get posted and a personalized thank you reward from the staff at SteveNashWorld.com
April 26, 2007
Steve Nash World Designs
Posted by CPro at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Contests
April 24, 2007
Second look at this one:
I heard they played 1 on 1 after the picture was taken. Steve lost horribly because he had no one to pass to.
Posted by Lucas at 1:13 AM 0 comments
April 23, 2007
And out from the ashes rose...Steve Nash!
Said to live for 500 or 1461 years (depending on the source), the phoenix is a godly basketball player with beautiful purple and orange plumage. At the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of basketball floorboards from an NBA arena that it then ignites; both nest and man burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix is destined to live, usually, as long as the old one. In some cases of mythology, however, this is not true.The new phoenix embalms the ashes of the old phoenix in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the city of the sun. The man was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — a symbol of fire and obvious divinity. Sweat from a phoenix can cure cancer.
Posted by CPro at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve
Steve Nash, pedaling for a better tomorrow.
Posted by CPro at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Charity Work
Steve Nash plays you like a video game...
Posted by CPro at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve, Videos of Steve
Steve Nash Haircut
Posted by CPro at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve, Looking Like A Fool
April 19, 2007
How to Make A Steve Nash Western Oreo Sandwich
The Steve Nash Western Oreo Sandwich:
- Take 2 black guys and 1 Steve Nash (black guys should be taller than Nash...most are anyway).
- Dress all 3 up like Will Smith from Wild Wild West, except with cheap vinyl cowboy trenchcoats instead of leather stuff (Steve's an environmentalist).
- Put them together like an oreo cookie.
- Pass the ketchup.
Posted by CPro at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve, Looking Like A Fool
April 17, 2007
Steve Nash Takes His Ball Everywhere He Goes Kids
Posted by CPro at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Getting Healthy, Videos of Steve
April 16, 2007
I Will Always Be There For You Trophy
A Poem, by Steve Nash, entitled "Ode to My Trophy"
When there are bad times,
You are always there for me trophy.
My friendship with you is the best one yet.
It is so cool to have a good friendship with you, trophy.
Whenever I am in need of help,
You are the shoulder of my road.
It is so good to have you, my trophy,
Because you are my special trophy.
I will always be there for you,
If there are any problems.
Just remember one good thing,
I will always be there for you, trophy.
Posted by CPro at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve
Steve Nash - The Sell-Out
Hey everybody! Remember THIS? Cuz Steve Nash just released his sexy new Nike Air Max 90 sneakers! They're made out of both snakeskin and premium leather! But Steve Nash cares about the environment and the creatures of the Earth, right? They are nice, and we posted some pics so send us a free pair or two. Thanks.
Posted by CPro at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Commercials, Looking Like A Fool, Nike
April 15, 2007
Steve Nash playing Table Tennis
Posted by CPro at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve, Looking Like A Fool
I'm getting tired of Steve Nash
I used to love the guy, back when he was still in the WNBA. His lay-ups, feminine style of dress, and high cheekbones fit nicely with that league.
Posted by Lucas at 10:04 AM 0 comments
April 14, 2007
Steve Nash on Global Warming
Another great Steve Nash quote CLICK HERE. Now that's showing true concern! I wonder what kind of SUV he drives?
Posted by CPro at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Steve Going Green
April 13, 2007
Fun with digital Steve Nash
Posted by CPro at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Contests, Funny Side if Steve
April 11, 2007
The Resurrection of Steve Nash World
'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, Steve Nash, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life' (John 3 v 16)
Steve's everlasting spiritual life and proof of existence have been branded into the world wide web, in the form of a newly registered URL:www.SteveNashWorld.com
Just like the resurrection of Jesus, and just in time for Easter, the rebirth of SteveNashWorld is sure to rock the foundation of the Christian world, especially for Mel Gibson.
Posted by CPro at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve
April 10, 2007
Requiem for a dream
From one of the greatest movies ever made - and the soundtrack is set to Nash destroying everyone. The two-time MVP. The best NBA Player of all time.
Posted by DWade3 at 11:51 PM 1 comments
Labels: Videos of Steve
Nash's Big Year & Nash's Big Night
Here are some sick videos of Steve Nash!
1st up: the top 10 Steve Nash plays of the year:
2nd, we have Steve Nash recording 21 assists in one game:
.....simply stunning
Posted by DWade3 at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nash is Awesome, Videos of Steve
Steve Nash VS Ripley
Wow.... How is Steve Nash so talented that he can travel back in time to 1979, film a blockbuster smash hit movie as a woman, and make it back to the 21st century in time to win MVP awards as a man? We may never know. What we DO know is that these two pictures are the same person.
Posted by CPro at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve
For those who actually LIKE Steve Nash...
If you're a Steve Nash fanboy and you like watching a little white guy pass the ball all day...this montage video will make you cream in your jeans.
Posted by CPro at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Nash is Awesome, Videos of Steve
April 5, 2007
Steve Nash as a Child.
Russian Child Smoking - Funny video clips are a click away
What a pimp Steve Nash used to be...
Posted by CPro at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve
April 4, 2007
Steve Nash is Finger Lickin' Good!
This is one of the better Nash videos out there. Highlighting Nash's finger-lincking habits, it makes us all want to gag a little bit. Why do you lick your hands so much when all those other guys are using the same ball Steve?
Steve says, "I lick my fingers because I don't like when my hands get slick. Licking my fingers helps me keep a good grip on the ball."
Sure buddy. There's only one answer here. The taste of man hand sweat is something that Nash just doesn't mind.
Posted by CPro at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve, Looking Like A Fool, Videos of Steve
Watch Steve Nash get worked by Kobe Bryant!
Kobe Bryant Flies Over Steve Nash - For more funny videos, click here
This is a change. Nash getting worked? It's true folks, watch him get blown by the powerful moves of Kobe.....and is it just me, or does Nash grab some balls on the way down? Let us know what you think.
Posted by CPro at 2:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve, Kobe vs Steve, Videos of Steve
Nash is the best point guard in the WORLD.
That's what this guy thinks with one of his posts from the cheap seats.
"The numbers don't lie. There are more and more shooters at every level of basketball - and a lack of great playmakers. Nash should help turn that around. He is the best point guard in the world today, and he sets a great example of how to play the game the right way. Now it's time for parents and kids out there from all walks of life to get the message. Not everyone can be like Mike. Or in this case AI. Those that can't need to pass like Nash."Ya, he's a great example of how to play the game the right way.
Alright people, to be more like Nash you have to change your daily routine a little.
Start with the following schedule:
- Get up at 1:ooPM.
- Pound a jack and coke and put on your silky, big-collar shirt with the top 4 buttons undone, you sexy mother-fucker you.
- Ignore the wife all day and take her car to the stadium without asking or telling her that you're leaving.
- Play basketball on live national television for a couple hours.
- Win an MVP award or two.
- Head straight to the stadium bar to get the buzz back.
- Text msg your b-ballin' buddies from your new Moto Razr, you rich asshole.
- Hit up a kegger with the boys and try to drink more beer than everyone else.
- Make sure people take lots of pictures of you...internet-savvy people.
- Do some coke.
- Go home.
- Plow the wife.
- Watch a Patrick Swayze movie and crash.
Oh, and get a vagina.
Posted by CPro at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alcohol and Steve, Funny Side if Steve
April 3, 2007
Ok, this one needs a second glance
"Oh hey, I'm Steve Nash, I'm an angsty Goth. I see you've stacked some plywood here...maybe I'll lean on it and comb my hair out all emo. You like my belt buckle? You think theres a penis under there? Nope, vagina."
Posted by Lucas at 10:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Commercials, Funny Side if Steve, Looking Like A Fool
Lock your doors and hide your daughters! He's at it again!
First off, Nash is drinkin' again...that's not even your wife Steve. What can't a woman find a decent man who just keeps his shirt on when they dance together?...actually he's probably dancing with that dude in the yellow, the only guy in the place willing to take him home and not punch him in the face.
Secondly, here's a couple good pics of Nash looking like a hippie girl...just thought everyone would like these too. They provide a nice contrast to the first one.
Posted by CPro at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alcohol and Steve, Looking Like A Fool
Meditate with Steve
Steve likes to do it naked at a fairground. No suntan lotion because his skin is freakin' tough, like leather.
Instructions to Meditating with Steve:
- Dress yourself in the proper attire (g-string optional).
- If meditating indoors, clear out a nice comfortable spot on the floor to sit (make sure it's comfortable, you will be sitting for 4 hours here everyday). I suggest an old matress in front of the TV.
- Assume the position.
- Next repeat the words that you have memorized. Each and every word. Repeat them until both your legs fall asleep all the way up your ass, both cheeks.
- By now you probably have to go pee. Try to get up and run to the bathroom to relieve yourself in under 30 seconds. Can't do it. Most people bail right into the throne. But that's how Steve Nash trains every single day of his miserable life.
- Check back to SteveNashWorld and scroll to the bottom daily to hear the latest Good words (and click on a few banners to keep Nash happy).
Posted by CPro at 12:17 AM 1 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve
April 2, 2007
More Nash the Slash
The video from the last post is this one-man band named Nash the Slash from the 70's.
He's like a cross between Ashley MacIsaac, The B-52's and Clive Owen as The Inside Man.
Combining vocals with electric violin and guitar you will be hypnotized if you listen for over three seconds and will probably find yourself amongst hoards of Nash the Slash zombies at the top of a mountain 30 years in the future sacrificing each other for His holy rock powers. All that aside, try to resist him...just TRY:
Yet another example of Nash supremity....
He is still pumpin' out the albums and signing on to gigs to this DAY!
Check out his website...the opening intro says it all.
Posted by CPro at 11:56 PM 35 comments
Labels: Nash the Slash
And now for something completely different!
Alright here people. Let's get a few things straight.
Steve Nash was conceived on the eve of New Samhain. Satan had fought his way into heaven through the Pearly Gates, past John Travolta, over the river and through the woods all the way to the God's house. I hate to say it, but he had his filthy, forceful way with God. She deserved it...putting out the nice linen and everything. Nine painful, bitchy months later. Steve Nash was born in a manger in Johannesberg, South Africa, February 7th, 1974. What a day to be born on! Was this just coincedence? Or had the planets aligned that very evening and called out to the universe for the greatest of souls to be placed in this newly-created human form. It was this very same day that Grenada gained their independance from the United Kingdom! The same day, back in '71, that women were given the right to vote in Switzerland! The same day that Julius the 3rd became Pope in 1550! The VERY SAME DAY that the Nagano Winter Olympics began in Japan in 1998...
He even has the same birthday as some of the great minds this world has ever seen, like Charles Dickens, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Ashton Kutcher!
So how did someone so divine, so powerful, so absolute get sent to grow up in Canada before he was even two years old just because his poor-ass parents didn't want to raise their family in an environment of apartheid? I mean, this is the spawn of Satan and you saw how hot the mom is...MILF! So, why isn't Nash a kick ass, slam-dunking, point-scoring, better-looking basketball player? Well, I think I know the answer........
So there you have it.
Now we have something to build on; a past that we can link this fabulous NBA great to.
And now for something completely different....
Posted by CPro at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve, Nash the Slash, Videos of Steve
April 1, 2007
Look Steve, I'm from Canada too!
Thats why Nash is my favorite player - we're both Canadians. Thats also why Paul Bernardo is my favorite mass murderer (fuck you OJ, you Yankee bastard).
There was a kid on my Grade 8 basketball team. He passed the ball all the time too, he hung out with tons of chicks, and guess what? He turned out to be a homosexual.
Posted by Lucas at 10:57 AM 1 comments
Labels: Funny Side if Steve, Looking Like A Fool
Thanks Hersey! A post that any Steve enthusiast would appreciate.
Props for making a stand as a "Nash for MVP" supporter. Way to go friend.
It's passages like this that prove you're a Nasher for life:
"Nash is an All Star so his in-game ability is part of the argument. The Phoenix Suns’ record over the last three years is the other part. Nash’s play has turned the Phoenix Suns into an elite team."
"The Suns went into Dallas and beat them in double OT. Nash made all the big plays in the comeback win. Dirk had a meltdown. On the biggest stage of the regular season, Nash was outstanding. That one game didn’t make him the MVP but it showed the difference between Nash now and the Nash of the previous two years. The Edge."Keep up the Nash Pride and we will follow you forever Steve.
Posted by CPro at 12:06 AM 2 comments
Labels: Dallas Mavericks vs Steve, Nash is Awesome, Nowitzki and Steve